Audio - Using Embed Codes

Having rich content like audio files is a really effective way of engaging with visitors to your site. We've made it really easy to enrich your pages of content with this media using what we call embed codes. They are short codes used to embed the rich content inside of your text.

Copy the embed code from the { to the } (including the {}) from the expandable Embed Codes box which can be found underneath the content box. Paste the copied embed code into the content box for you would like your media to appear, and save.

Here is an example audio embed code {mp3: /files/audios/School_Song.mp3}

In the editor the embed is shown, on the front end of the site the corresponding media will be displayed.

To add a new audio file go to the Embed Codes menu on the left hand side of the page. Select the submenu item "Audios" 

Then click the green "+ Create Audio" button.
A new page to add the details of your new audio file will appear,

Enter the title (required) and description (optional) for your audio file, these details are not shown on your site, they identify in the list each audio file you upload. 

Click "Choose File" to select the file to upload. This file must be in MP3 format.
Click Save and your audio file is added to the system.
In the list of documents is the embed code column. The embed code for an audio file can be copied and pasted into any content editor in the Schudio CMS and will play a media player in your content.

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