Student Applications

If you have the option for potential students to apply for a place at your College, when they submit a form it will be stored under Attract > Student Admissions > Applications. It will look similar to this

You will be able to see the students, First Name, Second Name, the email address they submitted, their Date of Birth and the date they submitted the form.

You will also have the option to delete them. You can do this by clicking the red bin to the right, a message will appear just double checking you are sure. This helps to make sure you don't delete any data by accident.

You also have the option to export this data if you wish


Within settings, you are able to set the Close Date Start and the Close Date End when your application form is visible for. Once these dates have expired no more students will be able to apply.

You can also set a confirmation email, this will be the person who is emailed when someone submits the application form

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