Setting Up Your School App

If you have a school website provided by Schudio we've already set all of this up for you.

If we don't provide your website yet then you need to sign up to create an admin account to manage the content that will be shown on the app. You can sign-up for your free app here

Once you've signed up here you can begin to add content and get your app full of your content for your parents and students to download.

Customising Your App

After logging into the admin area you should select the Engage menu. School App is listed within there.

Your details can be edited from the setting menu.

The 'general' tab contains all of the details for updating your school information, including contact details and address.
The 'social links' tab contains links to your social profiles. You can enter your Facebook and Twitter URLs here.
The 'mobile app' tab contains the appearance options for your app. You can set a background image, and your logo, and also add some about us text.

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