Introduction to Schudio App


The New Schudio App is available to everyone, and its completely FREE!

To get the Schudio App go to the App Store on your Apple device or the Google Play store on your Android device and search 'Schudio'.
Also available here:
Apple App Store
Google Play Store


Once you've downloaded the app it couldn't be simpler to use. Open the app and then select from the list of schools which School you wish to have as your school on our App.


Thats it! You're up and running on the Schudio App!

On the App you'll be able to see News, Events, Messages, Blogs, Calendar and Terms dates for your chosen school. You can also report your Childs absence however some schools may not sure this method of Absence reporting.

Feel free to pass these instructions on to anyone when sending out instructions on how to get the app working on their device.

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us