How to add your Google map

A google map is a great feature to have on your school website. It adds a visual element to your page and allows people to find the directions to your school easily.

To add your google map you must first find your school location on google maps.

Once you have found your location, hit the share button and choose the "Embed a map" option.

Click the "COPY HTML" option to copy the embed code to your clipboard.

Then go to your Schudio dashboard. Go to the page that you want to add the map to and hit the blue edit button.

To add the map to the page you must hit the source button on the bank of icons on the content box 

Then paste the embed code into the source view of the content box.

The next step is a best practice step that is really important to complete to ensure the map fits its intended space well. Look in the code for where it says width="600" and change the 600 to 100%. This will ensure the map works responsively.

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