Adding Job Vacancies

You can add unlimited Job Vacancies to your website.

Vacancies can be found under Information > Job Vacancies

On the Vacancies page, any previously added vacancies that have expired will still be kept here. To add a new Job Vacancy, click the green '+ Create Vacancy’ button at the top of the page.

Below is an explanation of the fields on the Job Vacancies details page.

Job Title

This is the title of the job you are advertising for.

Reference Number

For your reference, adding a reference number allows you to effectively track all vacancies offline.


If using our Job Application System please add a logo so that the application form is branded as yours.


If the departments have been set up, select the relevant one here.

Job Category

Select a job category from the pre-populated list of possible categories.


Tick this box to pin a job to the top of the list on the website vacancies page.

Job Type

Select a job type from the pre-populated list of possible types.


Select the location of the job from the pre-populated list of geographical locations.


Add more information about the job you are advertising. Include as much information as possible. As this is our standard content box you can add links, images etc to this section.


Include the salary details of the job that you are advertising.

Start Date / Closing Date

These dates are the dates for which you would like to advertise the job on the website. The start date is not the date on which the successful application will start in their new role, rather it is the start date of the advertisement.

Interview Date

Self-explanatory, the date on which interviews will be taking place.

Other Information

Any other valuable information should be added here.

Top Tip! - Add any relevant job documents to a documents group and include the embed code for that group in this content box.

File Uploads

Upload PDF / DOC files for the Job Description, Person Specification and Application Form here. Users will be able to download these documents from the vacancy details page. Add your Equal Opportunities and Confidential Disclosure form here too.

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