Setting Up Your School Blog

Your blog is likely to be one of the most important parts of your school website. Get it right and parents, students and staff will love reading it and working with it.

Blog posts can be found under the Blog menu. ( note: if you are looking for the article Add a Blog Post you are in the wrong bit) 

The very best way to set up your blog, if you are going to use it for classes is by using the 'Class of' Method.

If your students write content for your blog (and they should!), this is the best way of creating a blog feed for every student, in every class that will last throughout their entire life in your school. It also means there is practically ZERO maintenance every year. When setting up your blogs, instead of adding categories for each class and then resetting these every year, add categories for the year that students ‘graduate’ from school. For example, Year 6 students who graduate this year will all be in ‘Class of 2015′.

Then add all your teachers/students as Users to the system  From now on, all the content for your class blogs will follow the students through school and parents will be able to see their children’s progress and you have a great record of all their work online.

The only bit of yearly maintenance you need to do is create a new category for your new starters, create their logins and add a link to your menu.

So, how do we Add a Blog Category?

Click Create Category button

Give the category a Title and click Save.  

Now you can see a list of your Blog Categories.  

To add these to your website you can copy the Link and paste it where you would like to link from. To link to a blog category from a menu you can select the Type "Blog Category" from the list, and then the blog category you want to link to from the categories listed.

If you would like to link from within a page of content see our article Adding Text, Links & Images
If you would like to link from within a menu see our article Managing Menus

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