Types of Menu

Menus can be found on the left hand sidebar in the admin area of your website.

The menus page contains a list of the different menus currently running on the website. 

To create a new menu one must find the identifier. This is the last part of the URL after the /. For example, in this url: "www.example.com/class-pages/year-1" "year-1" would be the identifier.

  Do not put capital letters or spaces in the identifier. Put exactly what you see in the url.

Top menu

This is the main menu which appears at the top of all our websites. This menu can contain submenus. This menu will also appear on the left hand side when visiting a page of the site so users can find their way around all the great content easily!

Navigation menu

This menu sits at the very top of the page and is great for things like calendar and term dates. It's a useful menu to use for content that need to be easily visible and accessible.

Home Menu

Most sites will have a home menu on the first page which appears as boxes rather than just text. These menu items can serve as quick links into content using a picture.
Similar menus can also be created in the internal pages of your site, more details available here.

Bottom Menu

This menu sits at the bottom of the site in the footer alongside the school contact details. This menu is perfect for adding extra links like; Parent View, VLE and Staff Email.

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