Getting Started with the Form Builder

Beginning building your email templates

In this help document, we'll be showing you the basics of how to get started making your emails and websites the best they can be! We will cover such things as: how to create a template, how to create a list, how to start your campaign, how to make everything automated and how to create a form.


Forms are where you go to make those pages, or pop-ups, that you see on websites. They will say something along the lines of "sign up to the email list today, insert email and first name". This is something you can put into your email templates, or, you can even put forms into third party sites (such as school websites) so people can directly sign up for your mail lists, without having to have received an email from you already.

You can get three types of form, landing, embedded, and pop up & alert bars. Landing is a full page, embedded is a section of a page; pop ups and alerts go over your page like a pop up advert.

This is the form editor tool, you can choose any of the fields to the left to add them to your form; delete any of the sections that are in the form already, insert images to liven the page up, or if you have a google analytic/tags code you can input them into the form to have integration with google. 

Once you have finished editing your form, at the top of your screen you'll see the heading "form content" "success content". Head over to success content to personalise the confirmation text that the user will receive upon form completion- for that extra piece of personalisation.

Once you are finished and you have the form saved, head back to your forms tab on the homepage and it should be there. Click into it >> press the publishing title >> copy the code that you see in the black box >> paste in the third party site through the source code (if you use Schudio websites just press the little source button in the content box and paste it there for easy embedding).

(If you would rather watch a video for the form building click the link below).

A really helpful forms video

So, go out there and create- make your forms and email rollouts the best they can be!

*CSV Files Explained

File imports expect data to be plain text and in CSV format. Files can be uploaded and previewed for easy mapping onto User Profile and Custom Fields.

A comma is expected as the default delimiter when uploading files for import but pipes and semi-colons can optionally be selected when previewing.

When exporting data from your chosen application or database you'll need to ensure it is using a valid plain text CSV (Comma Separated Values) format - characters outside of the standard ASCII range may cause issues and you need to ensure values are quoted and escaped where necessary.

To improve the performance when uploading and to cut down on waiting time it's also recommended that large files are zipped.

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