Getting Started - Left Sidebar Menu

On every page within the "Website" section of the software, the left hand sidebar is visible. This menu is used to access all of the different areas of your website that you can edit and update. Depending on your access rights you may not be able to see all of the options in the menu to the left. 

News: Manage your News through the news module.

Events: Manage your Events through the events module.

Calendar: Add events to your calendar either in the software or by importing external calendars.

Blog: Manage your Blogs through the blog module.

Pages: Manage the pages of your website.

Menus: Control the menus on your site. You can managed existing menus and create new ones. A page must be added to a menu so it can be seen on the site.

Embed Codes: Manage the files sorted on your website and content to embed into pages. All of the embedded media is controlled in this section.

Education: Menu items related to the Education provided. Includes different courses and extra curricular activities.

Information: Manage the information displayed on your website. Contact details, social media accounts, job vacancies, calendar and more.

Appearance: Manage the appearance of your website. Change banners, adjust the menus, and other appearance options.

Requests: Manage the requests processed by the system. Add contacts to your contact form, review the contact enquires sent through the form. Course bookings, absence notifications and newsletter requests are also here.

Users: Manage users in the system from this section. Create new users, manage permission or delete users.

File Manager: All uploaded files can be accessed and new files can be easily uploaded directly into file manager to use as website content. 

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