Managing Pages

When you open your pages tab you are greeted with this:

This is where you will come to manage your pages. A page will not appear until you add it to a menu.

These are the basic buttons to get familiar with:

Green plus will add a page under the heading to the left of the green plus

The blue edit pencil will start you editing the page you have selected

The red bin icon will permanently delete the page you have selected- be certain before pressing this. (You will be asked to confirm before deleting)

Moving pages

If  you want to move your page to another heading:

E.g. moving reception to home page.

Simply click and hold on reception >>

drag it up to the 'our school' heading >>

when you see a thick blue line, the page will go under the page you are hovering over

if you see a thin blue line it will go above it.

Creating New Pages

To create a new page click the green button with the + in it on the page you need to add the new page.

To add a new page to the About Us section:

The parent page is what section of your website the page is under.

The Page Title is what the page is called. (this directly affects the URL)

The Page Heading is the main header of your page.

The Content Box is where you will write all of your pages content- check out our other knowledge base article to learn more about the details of the content box.

The Embed Codes are little pieces of code that you can add to your webpage to put documents, image groups, tab groups, and more into your webpage. Check out our other guides for a more comprehensive analysis of the embedded code features.

SEO means search engine optimisation- or how to make your page as appealing to click on/ appear highly in Google ranks.

The page URL is what displays in the address bar. Feel free to change the pages url to whatever you like.

The Meta Keywords are what the main talking points of your website are. Google will check what you have put as your key words, and determine if your page is answering a particular search query- thus potentially boosting your rank.

The Meta Description is the small description that is provided underneath the main URL of your webpage on Google. It is often a good idea to put your keyword in here.

The background image and background image are design specific so may not be applicable to your design.

Show Submenu will make it that your submenus are visible on the page when ticked

Hide Sidebar makes the menu items that appear on the left invisible, makes navigation less optimised but can lead to a more seamless design (design specific)

The Top Menu drop down bar should be left blank without consultation as it can make your menu structure on the top and sides drastically change which you might not be expecting.

The Tags are a way of linking pages that you want to keep together. To create a tag for the page you are on: write the tag name in New Tags

If you would like to take a tag from another page, type it in the tags section on the left.

Once you have this connection set-up. Go onto the page with the tag and you will see, at the bottom, a link to your other pages with the tag.

The Password Protected slider will change whether you have to type a password to enter. This will mean only website users will be able to access this page.

The Publish slider will publish or unpublish your page. This is great if you don't want to delete your page but you want to remove it from your website.

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